Friday, January 4, 2013

The Seriously Deluded Right

     I remember a Seinfeld episode in which the character George Costanza tells off his boss and quits his job, only to regret his rash act later. He decides to report for work Monday morning as if nothing happened. He thought if he bought the lie that his boss and co-workers would as well. I recently thought about this episode while listening to some on the right, especially radio talk show host Michael Medved, as they tried to pretend that the Republicants bested the President and Congressional Democrats in the recent fiscal cliff deal.
     The seriously deluded Mr. Medved theorized that since the current tax rates were going to remain the same for 98% of taxpayers, somehow that meant that George W. Bush, and by extension the feckless Republicants in Congress, were the big winners. He further suggested that separating the tax issue from the spending issue somehow magically gave the Republicants the upper hand in the upcoming sequestration/debt ceiling debate. I am disheartened to see my fellow Conservatives be so deluded that they refuse to accept reality. Their desire to live in a fantasy world they wished existed, instead of the real one that does exist, further contributes to the Republicant party and the country being destroyed by President Obama and Congressional Democrats.
     The Republicants lost the fiscal cliff debate because the President and Congressional Democrats were able to divert the debate from dealing with the real problem of spending and shift the focus to the manufactured problem of taxes. Raising the tax rates on individuals making over 400k a year and couples making over 450k a year is going to raise 60 billion dollars a year in revenue. When the Federal government is spending 1 trillion dollars more than it brings in every year, 60 billion dollars is only about 6% of that deficit. The Republicants bought into the false assumption that any tax increase would actually be used to reduce the deficit, even that measly amount. The President already has plans to spend that increase and more. In fact President Obama and Congressional Democrats are already talking about raising taxes even more.
     As for Mr. Medved's assertion that somehow John Boehner's latest cave-in forces the President and Congressional Democrats to deal with their over-spending, it's a complete fantasy created by people who want to believe that you win by losing. In the real world, the President and Congressional Democrats are the ones who have won the public relations battle and by virtue of having done so, have the upper hand in any upcoming debates. I can tell you with one hypenated word what is going to happen in the sequestration/debt ceiling debate, cave-in. The Republicants are going to give the President exactly what he wants, just as they did in the fiscal cliff debate and every other debate that has taken place over the last two years. The President's real goal for the fiscal cliff was to get the Republicants to break their tax pledge, which they did with abandon.
     The larger issue in this debate is that those on my side of the aisle like Mr. Medved continue to buy the manufactured crisis of the Left and then are soothed by a "solution" that puts the country in a worse position. Some on the Right are mollified by the fact that tax rates on 98% of taxpayers will not change, that will only last up until the point that they do change. Meanwhile the Medheads are celebrating some bizarre victory that they have twisted themselves into pretzels to create. By the way, pretending that reality doesn't exist didn't work out for George Costanza either, in the end he was left without his job.

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  1. Over a million pundits in the U.S. to choose from both on the Right and the Left and you pick the oh so obscure Mr.Medved to make your "seriously deluded right" declaration?


    1. Thank you for your comment. I didn't know Mr.Medved was so obscure, but he was foremost in my mind because I had just heard him on the raido prior to writing this post.

    2. I too have wondered about Mr. Medved. He is supposed to be a film critic and while I respect his Thanksgiving and Christmas radio programs on the Pilgrims and on the Colonials on the Fourth of July, I find him rather Rino in a lot of his political rhetoric. Could be his Hollywood affiliation clouds his reason. I have heard others spout this gibberish about the permanent tax cut, but as you say the next congress may repeal it. Thank you again for a thoughtful post.

    3. Thanks for your comment, it is appreciated.

  2. When watching the "Fiscal Cliff" fiasco unfold I could not help but be reminded of Lucy and Charlie Brown. Lucy continues to play the same old trick on Charlie Brown of pulling the football out at the last minute and leaving Charlie on his back. Why? Because it worked and it worked because Charlie let it. Similarly the Democrats use the same old tricks and warmed over rhetoric to leave the Republicans flat on their backs. The debate centered on taxes for the rich because the Republicans let it. Entitlement reform fails because the Republicans let the Democrats frame the debate. Like you I see little hope that this will change, especially with no change in leadership.

    1. What a great analogy the Charlie Brown example is. I may steal that for a future post, if youi don't mind. It seemed as though our Republicant leaders had more backbone before they won the House.

    2. The only reason they had more "backbone" with a minority was because it was harder to get their pork projects at that time. If only republicant voters gave up on the Romney types hoping to please both sides and got behind those with real courage like Allan West who isn't about appeasing any more than he is about pork.
      Those who want only pork have only appeasement on their side. Those who want good have only sense on their side.

    3. I agree with you. That is why I think Rand Paul and perhaps Marco Rubio are two more Conservatives that have the same vigor as Allan West.
